Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fire Pit at JULIE'S

We had a great time at Julie's house on Sunday! It was so much fun to see everybody and for parts of D1 to still be together. I see Julie alot, but it's not everyday I got to see, Val, Kate, and Dan, let alone all under one, um...sky?

Michael got to do his favorite thing ever: build fires! Which of course meant he had to put the fire pit together and gather many sticks:

Val's son, Nic, was captivated by this experience and really wanted to help out. Michael was plenty happy to have a little helper.

After their long setup process, they got to chill together side by side next to the roaring fire:

The crew back together again, except for JULIE who was taking the photo :( We need to get a tripod or something for group photos:

Here is a semi-group shot where Julie is in the middle of the action.

And Michael talking to some of his old peeps.


Michelle said...

That little boy is too adorable!!

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